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Reciprocity in relationships.

I’ve had my head in the clouds for about 2-3 weeks now. Anyone else? What is it about the end of the year? Anyway, I’ve had the chance to remind myself this week that no one can care about my goals, dreams, accomplishments, and growth like I do. It simply doesn’t impact them like it does you. Now, please understand that I don’t mean we have no support. Simply that you can’t get discouraged, or start thinking that you aren’t valued, simply because someone doesn’t engage you with excitement like you might them.

Example, I have had several wonderful accomplishment at work in the last 35 days. You know who clapped the hardest for me? The people that also got paid off the hard work I put in. Was that kind of them? Yes. Did it make me feel proud? Yes. Were they really cheering for me? No. They were the ones that chose the cheer because I showed up in a way that made them look good. Am I disgruntled? No. That’s what I would expect because, you see, we are all the main character in our stories.

Let’s reverse it. Knowing how this has made me feel, I SHOW UP to celebrate others success with enthusiasm but it is not typically received in return. This used to hurt. Until I realized no one can be expected to feel the things I do, just as we can’t be expected to see the world the same. We are all looking through our own unique lenses.

So, how do we go into the next accomplishment or milestone a little more prepared to cheer ourselves on? How do we avoid feeling like we don’t have a support system that cares? We have to rewire our brains.

By this week, it wasn’t even about people celebrating or recognizing my accomplishments. It was about getting my headspace right. So, I’ve put a plan in place that has allowed me such peace.

I’ve taken a step back and allowed other people to dictate the type of relationships they hold with me. I’m allowing others to show me what is most important to them instead of asking them to show up differently, I am allowing and accepting people for who they are. This allows us to keep the people in our space we hold dear to us, while others will naturally feel it is their time to move forward with their own.

It opens space for purpose and gives your higher-self the ability to guide the changes necessary to provide you everything you’ve hoped and dreamed.

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